Saturday, 17 September 2011

Rare mob. *Spoiler*

Hey All,

With the dicsussion lately about the Den of the Fallen (I got this on my first play through, and didn't think to post anything about it) I figured I would shine some light on a rare mob in the Cathedral.

Lloigor is a crazed Conjuror pouring through the libary in the Cathedral.  When he appears, it is always at the begining of Lvl 4.  He will be standing on the far side of the libary reading from a podium.  He is "friendly" until you touch the podium, at which point he'll get rather upset and start conjuroring bats to throw at you.

This is a purple type boss, so he has a reasonable chance to drop some loot, and wouldn't you know it, he dropped a rare while I took pics for the article.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

DIablo 3 Beta Screenshots

I figured over the next few days I would post some screenshots.  Today I'll just start with the two Blacksmith lvls which were not previously shown in the media coverage.

Blacksmith Lvl 3.

Blacksmith lvl 4

Monday, 12 September 2011

Diablo 3 Beta Info

Here is a quick list of initial beta information you may not have seen yet.

  1. I estimate D3s economy to be 200x that of wow, ie: 1g in wow = 200g in diablo
  2. You can only play in the beta up to the skeleton king, this takes about 2 hours. However you can play it over and over (character level continues to go up, max 13)
  3. Your crafters are shared between your characters, so once you level it up or teach it a new recipe, all chars have it. (I'm assuming at least for normal, etc)

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Diablo 3 Beta Begins

In case you hadn't heard, the Diablo 3 friends and family beta has begun to a very select few.  They are working to stabilize the beta before inviting more individuals.  As anything we would write here would be under speculation, I beleive it would be best to take a week off before continuing on the postings.  At that point, the NDAs should be lifted and we can give you pre launch details, which could still be not accurate, but they would be "less not accurate".

See you in a week with some insider info.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

August Highlights

August highlighted the start of the blog as information streamed out about the Real Money Auction House and the incoming release of Diablo 3 beta.

These were the most popular posts of August:

1. Blizzard Site update.
This detailed the new website Blizzard had launch for Diablo 3 including extensive FAQ sections.

2. It Begins
The first blog post, a discussion around why this change will change the video game industry forever.

3. Blizzard becomes Amsterdam
A comical/serious look at the controversy surrounding the RMAH and its implications on Diablo 3 gameplay.

I hope you enjoyed them.  Stick around for September as we continue to delve in.

Blacksmith Artisan

The Blacksmith is the first of the Artisans you'll meet in your travels.  According to the Beta, the NPC will ask for your assistance in a quest (spoilers omitted).  Once completed he will join your Caravan and provide you the Salvage Cube.

Here is a run down of the Blacksmith Features and how they may affect you.