Friday, 26 August 2011

Magic Find, Friend or Foe

In Diablo 2, Magic Find (MF) was a big help to those hunting down gear.  Diablo wiki here has a good overview of the system.  In short, Magic Find was a gear stat just like Strength or Dmg, however, this stat gave you an additional chance to have rares drop.

What diablo then turned into was how much MF can you wear while still surviving.The good news, and the bad news, is that Magic find is back in Diablo 3.

The reason it is good, is for those who are looking to earn money, this will be the easiest way to do it.  Adorn your MF gear and go loot hunting.  Why is it bad, well, bots, and terribad players will equip this gear and afk on your runs.
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Loot in Diablo 3 is going to work a little different than previous.  Everyone gets their own loot drop, so while we no longer have to run to be the first at the loot, it also means you don't really have to be any good to get any, and this will turn into a huge problem.

So, how can we benefit.  Well, by perpetuating these issues.  "What?" you say "Why would I want to help the jerks" and the simple answer is, the jerks have money to spend.  Anticipate MF gear to be a serious winner for profit from inception of the game, to its dying days.  Hunt it down, and if you don't need it, sell these bad boys.  They'll be hot hot hot.

Next blog will be about the bots we'll be likely to encounter.